As early as 1957, ATHBO first worked "marking the CHALK boards" for A.G. Edward's Branch office before there was even a QUOTRON machine for up-dated Quotes. ATHBO was lucky to have survived the purple (toxic) INK used to transmitt the latest NY Quotes on clear cellophane tape (ticker machine) in the back room where the broom and mops were kept. The office manager had been broker/advisor to ATHBO's family for many years along with two (2) managers over at Merrill-Lynch branch office. THUS ATHBO's family has ALWAYS BEEN IN THE MARKETS and conversation over stocks,bonds and dividends seemed like every day conversation.  Skipping forward: ATHBO became "broker trainee" in St. Louis (Home Office) for A.G. Edwards in 1964 after college (that would take another whole 4 pages) years before Edward's EVER went public. Six (6) months minium for "training and registration" for brokerage license was required. Piece of CAKE. Young and restless, ATHBO moved on to another local firm and other branch offices, mainly due to new Quotrons and automated trading equipment UNTIL........ ATHBO is an acronym for All-Time-High-Break-Out.  This was originally dubbed his nick-name from Market Mentor from St. Louis where he spent some 11 years working with W.D. GANN materials as my mentor bought Gann's Market Letter and spent time with GANN until his death in 1955.  Thru those  years (1964-today) ATHBO spent as Financial Analyst, Broker, Technical analyst, Market Letter writer/owner (Barron's),  Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager and retired Private Investor. Primary emphasis of "study" since 1975  has been with J.M. Hurst's work  on "Envelopes" and their projections in timing trading for stocks, commodites, Indexes for all time-frames.  Married and living in New Mexico, ATHBO  finally bought a "home" after years of renting and trying to estimate the Real Estate market.  Today, ATHBO manages a "family Hedge-Fund" which is reported on other pages within this site (performance).  Years of study and experimentation have produced the "envelope" charts seen on many Navigation points on this site. See Trading Tutorial.  This is an "open-ended" endeavor as the HOLY-GRAIL is still out there just out of reach, I'm sure. I have done my BEST to present the BEST  I can......ATHBO (2007).....  

Market Perspective: A Picture (chart) is worth 1,000 words........

Wisdom: You can't build a reputation on what you intend to do.....

Moderation: The refuge of the unimaginative....


ATHBO...Hawaii Xmas 2005:Hawaii Surfer Bob.jpg

ATHBO. ..See shoveled enough SNOW to kill anyone 1/2 his age. Reminds us of Movie "Ten Commandements"..parting of the red-sea?SNOW finished....jpg                                                        

  Mrs.ATHBO's award winning PHOTO in recent snow contest:God Speaks.jpg


Finally 6/10/07:


LOLA one-off arrives


